The Moon is Twice as Lonely, The Stars are Twice as Bright

Bella Sophia was born- she was named for you. “A blessing on your head, Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov.” Jackie got married to a wonderful man who adores her. His name is Frank. He’s that nice, loving, family guy you prayed for us all to meet. She looks at him today as she did when they first met 5 plus years ago. Roberta Mae got lucky in love when this happened. This Ba-bee doll is their progeny. She’s a hoot, a beauty and an old soul. Thanks for the feathers- we get excited by each and every one. All your girls share them with one another and it adds to the connection you so hoped would continue. Bella is the conduit that helped bring your family to a good place.Fyi- I always pick up the talon, count 7’s and keep my eye on picking the deck. Ira and I play with your sister G and brother-in- law H. It’s a great day. I look at her face and I see you. I sit on her lap, we take a picture together, and all the way home I glow from the aftermath of our time together. On these day’s I think of you more. Missing you is the constant in my life, the intensity never changes. It feels safe knowing the feather’s will always come. Our love stays palpable, strong. When I implement the lessons you imparted it breathes life into our connection. I renew my vow to you today on your yahrzeit. I will walk into the room, hold my head up and carry my own concept of myself. Rest well mama- Baruch HaShem.

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