Memory Week-end

When the next times are now!
Repost- after a long weekend of phone in hand visuals at every table.

Let’s live in the moment.
As Life passes us by.
Take our eyes off our phones.
We’ll give it a try.
The hours we are missing turn into days and then weeks.
While sitting and dining with our closest of peeps.
The abundance of notices through a ring or a chime.
Distinguishing sounds as our anticipation climbs.
An email, a text, a memory comes through.
Socializing through electronics is just what we do.
We glance at the table our phones perched on top.
We have tried not to look but we just couldn’t stop.
Put down your iPads and follow along.
We missed what you said, our addictions that strong.
So just for today we will silence our phones.
Cause what’s that important till we get home?
We might miss a picture from 2018, or a Brooks Brothers coupon to purchase something green. Make it a live in the moment Monday.

Bring it on!

Jeopardy, O’Jeopardy, where art thou Game?
In a world filled with horror, absurdity, disdain.
We rely on the 7:00 hour on the screen.
Devoted, and forthright the answers are gleaned.
Holzhauer, Ammodio, Amy, Mattea strong.
Make room on the set for Mr. Ryan Long.
When The Daily Doubles come up on the board.
Make it a “truly”- the answer will come along.
30 seconds later with an answer in place.
The “Think” music so familiar for the answer a race.
A break from harsh News- that’s so tough on the print.
Let’s play along, in the absence of a hint.
The contestants phrase their response as questions.
The clues in the form of answers, no suggestions.
61 questions a game will be called.
Jeopardy, O’ Jeopardy we are always enthralled. Make it a “bring it on” Saturday.

This One’s For You, Wherever You Are

This One’s for you Wherever you are.

Hello Abraham hello Strauss
Could it be I still have “stuff” from your store?
In the omg department- we are
thinking 1964.
Emotional hoarders anonymous has…
Saved us a seat towards the front.
We are bagging and throwing getting rid of so much.
Our garbage room will bear the brunt.
We found collections of pedal pushers and helancas- holding on to the best of the rest.
Dug up some amazing treasures.
Who knew underwear could put us to the test,, (Days of the week.)
We found a bag of pink foam rollers.
Hairnets and bobby pins by the dozen.
A yellow alpaca sweater-that still has the fuzz in.
Ok, now our game of parchesi.
A full set of Jacks and a ball.
Flower power dresses we fancied.
So we wore them all through the Fall.
Charles Jourdan you made us feel taller.
Sorry to say you must go.
An old bottle of Canoe and Shalimar.
Come on let’s move on with the show.
We’ve learned so much rummaging thru our belongings.
Reliving parts of life we forgot.
Some laughter, some tears in the process.
Who knew bubble wrapping could leave us besot.

Unetaneh Tokef

Unetaneh Tokef

What shall stay and what shall go?
Boxing up closets and dresses from the 90’s.
Pack, give, donate categorically, here try these.
Lots of good shoes our feet no longer like.
Sweaters and shirts that look awfully tight.
No longer play tennis, hence sneakers galore.
Throw out the excess on this we implore.
Glance quickly on the memories attached to ties and cravats.
Put in the pile marked “we almost forgot.”
No longer question the where, when or why’s.

How many socks do we need to stockpile?
The beige, green and yellows are really quite vile.
No longer go sleeveless so get rid of that look.
Culottes, anything madras, tennis sweaters in the-to be took.
( I know correct tense counters- but it rhymed.)

How many black skirts does a girl really need?
In the give away pile we clearly agreed.
Shirts that sported cuff-links a thing of the past.
Held so many evenings that were really a blast.
We are not shedding memories, just getting rid of the clutter.
I really want those suspenders under his breath, he did mutter.
Pin-stripped blue suits worn on days spent in court.

You know when you know when changing locales feels “just right.”
Don’t hold on to lacoste tee-shirts, they are really too tight.

So back to the pj’s with holes everywhere.
Sorry not keeping, not precious, not dear.
Mark on the boxes “please enjoy our formal gowns.”
Keeping our eyes on the future in the absence of frowns.
How bout the britches, oh the horses we rode.
Savoring the memories, with more to unfold.
Ok then, it’s time close up the box.
Sneak one more peek.
Bell bottoms which were over the top.

Another opening, Another show.

Another Opening. Another Show.

Alright next chapter show us what’s on “tap.”

Right-left-right cha cha cha.

This episodes about to “rap.”

Let’s do the hokey pokey.

Double down and bet the store.

We ‘ll turn on the victrola.

And dance across the floor.

Come on twist and hully gully.

A lil samba, a dash of waltz.

Will complete the whole gestalt.

Some lindy hop and jitterbug.

No more dancing just in place.

Hit the ground and sprint ahead.

Let’s put on a brand new face.

Add input to affect a change.

Inertia is not an option.

We’re shaking it up and shifting gears. 

We will add mojo, fine tune Moxie.

Come on boogie woogie bugle boy.

The top man of your craft. 

“Stroll”into this chapter and bring along your draft.

Let’s “tap” into the Bossa Nova.

Rock and Roll and “All that Jazz.”

Bunny hop and two step.

Swing dance with great pizazz.

Step one, dance two. 

Shouts The Chorus, from the line.

Fine tune an Arabesque, stay on Pointe and redefine. 

Add elbow grease to team effort.

Realign your goals in mind.

Offering a leg up, if anyone falls behind. 

So as you chasse across the finish line.

Or Fred Astaire across the ceiling.

We will welcome in this brand new chapter.

Position one as we are kneeling.

Hit it Elton.

“So goodbye yellow brick road.

Where the dogs of society howl.

You can’t plant me in your penthouse.

I’m going back to my plough.”

Shabbat Shalom

Stranger No More!

We walked into our building the other day and one of our doormen, whose name happens to be David, called us over to let us know he has been meaning to tell us something. We listened as he proudly shared the wonderful news that his son had recently become a Bar Mitzvah. He told us we could watch the service on You Tube and the theme for the party was all Baseball. We stopped in our tracks, wished him a big Mazel Tov and went upstairs to our apt.
We were thrilled for him and confused as we didn’t know he had children or much else about him. He always greeted us with a smile and we exchanged pleasantries as he handed us our Amazon packages.
A few days have gone by, the new covid variants are spreading significantly and filling our gas tanks is no walk in the park.
Fast forward to yesterday at days end when David called up to let us know our dinner, that we ordered was here. Ah, the Bar Mitzvah. So we ate dinner and sat down to watch David’s son Eric become a Bar Mitzvah. Can’t make the names up for those in the know. We kvelled as Eric read from the Torah, sang along, silently prayed and sent a shout out upon request from the Rabbi to Hashem to help our loved ones with their share of suffering. We listened as David’s wife spoke about their son and we cried for their pride in him.
Moral of stories, bottom lines, grab moments of pleasure, now more than ever come in droves, especially in these precarious days with so much uncertainty.
So we got some paper, wrote a mazel message, put some gelt into an envelope for Eric and went downstairs to have a “Minchin by you Moment.” This time the blessing in disguise came with a shout out in the lobby from a very familiar face, a real “who knew.” Make it a schepp nachas for no longer a stranger kind of day. We are all a community and hashtag stronger together. Make someone else’s day Great!

Deja- view

B.N. Before Netflix-

On some “Grey” days we binged as Mc Dreamy took care of Don Draper
and diagnosed it as just too much day drinking. We were left confused after Sam Seaborn ( Rob Lowe) exited the West Wing, while salivating over Carmela’s “Sunday Sauce.” Yum to those meat-a -balls.

When corned beef and pastrami meet on the corner of Potato Knish and Dr. Brown’s Soda. They bump into the Salami on rye with deli mustard sandwich and all get ready to watch as Mr. Ed whispers to Ozzie and Harriet a cute story about (ok who remembers their neighbor?) Thornyp- Played by Don Defore. Yup! They are meeting over at Donna Reed’s house to watch the Beaver and his brother Wally take on Ken Osmond a.k.a. Eddie Haskell in a game of H-O- R- S-E, in their driveway. After a pot luck dinner with bread pudding for dessert they will sit around the piano and sing out loud with My Little Margie, Aunt Bee who is getting a ride over with Barney and being escorted by Opie. Oh “kay” then. They take out the game of Clue and wait for That Girl ( Marlo Thomas) to be Bewitched by (Elizabeth Montgomery) all the while Ann Sothern, who came with Don Porter is taking the minutes of the day until Eddie Albert shows up with the fur clad, diamond bearing Eva Gabor from their Green Acres Pad. A good time was had by all and in their game of Clue they played until Jim Backus announced “I Married Joan,” and they all agreed that everyone Loved Lucy. The category is Sitcoms in the Sixites. We’ll take Columbo for $1000.00 Please. And I quote – “Just one more thing. There’s something that bothers me. One more question to my Wife. What did you pay for those shoes? Make it a great Thursday!

Coronation Day

. Magnify the Moments
Like the cat that ate the canary.
May your days be filled with Wonder.
Adding moments Precious and Cheery.
Two steps forward, one step back.
Charles anointed The King.
Shonda Rhimes lent some pointers.
They didn’t miss a thing.
Camilla smiled proud and strong.
As Queen Elizabeth dictated,
By your side she does belong.
They sipped straight from the covid cup.
Made in China we hope not.
Red plastic cups from Costco.
Would have done the trick.
First day on the job.
Hoping no one shows up sick.
Back to Gold and Diamonds.

Resplendent in all their Glory.
Hear, Hear King Charles and Queen Camilla.
Your Life and Quite the Story.