What is happening here-

What is Happening Here?

When guns have more rights than women.
We march to gain control.
Our bodies, ourselves, our credo.
We stand united and determined and yell.
Overturning our dignity.
The fire, the fury, the horror.
We beg to know the “why’s.”
We sit and wipe our sorrow.
Children shot dead in the school yard.
Our constitutional rights dispelled.
In a huge destructive hand-basket,
Our world has gone to Hell.

As We Travel on Love’s What We’ll Remember!

Dear Our New York, Our Friend.

The safety of your harbor.
Your crescent shaped appeal.
Could fill bottomless pit emptiness.
We really had some deal.
Your allure and all your glamour.
From every pillar to every post.
Almost on the daily you proved the consummate host.
The streets were jammed with clamour.
Central Park our landing pad of choice.
We rarely missed an opening.
So many opportunities to rejoice.
Shared songs at your great venues.
Danced on too many floors to count.

There never was a question.
You were where we did belong.

The seasons changed with such panache.
The leaves, the snow and the flowers they did bloom.
Our frowns would turn to smiles.
Never sat with doom or gloom.

Your restaurants encouraged our palette.
Started with foie grois ended with chocolate soufflé.
Never missed an opportunity to window shop and stray.
As we collected a lifetime of memories.
Full-filled so many dreams.
It’s time to say we’ll see you.
On the road our show we’ll take.
We are packing stacks of pleasure.
On the wonder you create.
Hit it.
“From the very heart of it New York, New York. If we made it here, we’ll make it anywhere… With ❤️

Our Act on the Road-

Home Alone.

And just like that he left for Home. All the while we believed Home is where the left over stuffed derma is. Was it that there was too much cooked celery in the chicken soup? Perhaps he found too many bounce dryer sheets stuck to his socks in his drawer? Could it be the half and half wasn’t fat free? She racked her brain trying to come up with a sound reason she was left behind to negotiate The Boys parking lot by herself?
So she rearranged her mindset, left an extra house key in the car and knew if she got the chicken in the pot from 3ggg’s she was covered for dinner the next two nights.

He left her the buy one get one flyer from Lucille’s Barbecue in case she wanted ribs one night. For the next 7 days Amazon was her plus one go to. Paper goods left in front, hopefully the day they’re delivered it won’t rain.
Ok then now what? Netflix, perhaps?
Finishing the book for the next book club? Indeed a possibility. In an attempt to keep busy during her solo ride she packed a bag for a destination beach day. She included her air pods, zinc oxide for her lips and a turkey sandwich for lunch, no mayo, could spoil in the heat. Well that will take care of a day in his absence. On the way home, while listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, she stopped at Glicks for a container of soup and a six pack of Dr. Brown’s Diet Cherry Soda. Counting moments dinner by dinner. Interesting.
Back to the check off list for when the garbage is picked up and to make sure to leave the housekeeper money on Wednesday.
She’s covered on heavy items i.e. bottles of water and Tide Detergent. No worries, all good, yes freezer is full. Who knows a little time apart in the absence makes the heart…fashion could be good.

So she took a left on to Jog after what seemed like a long wait, pulled into Town Center for a little shopping therapy only to realize it was only 8:45.
Next stop the bagel place at the (OMG) counter for one seat. An everything bagel with a schmear- often a comfort food panacea.
With a little time to go until Neimans opens CVS is a good time filler. One can never have too much Calamine lotion for those middle of the night leg itches.
My take away on Home Alone, after a glued to the hip time together especially during the Pandemic days is that keeping busy is key. They are having a Bingo Game in our community. Buying some new dabbers at the Big Apple flea market on Atlantic can help pass the time until life goes back to Two for the Road. No worries I got this week covered.

Hit it Henry Mancini
Two for the Road

If you’re feeling fancy free.
Come wander through the world with me.
And any place we chance to be,
Will be a rendez-vous.
Two for the road.
We’ll travel down the years.
Collecting precious memories-
Selecting souvenirs.
And living life the way we please.
In summertime the sun will shine.
In winter we’ll drink summer wine.
And everyday that you are mine
Will be a lovely day.
As long as love still wears a smile.
I know that we’ll be two for the road.
And that’s a long, long while.
As long as love still wears a smile.
I know that we’ll be two for the road
And that’s a long, long while.

Keep it long and Straight!

Keep it long and Straight!

Calling all first time nine hole-rs.
You’re only as good as your last shot.
Is it just the positioning-or the synergy between you and the club.
Or all of the above- or not?
Forget about precision.
Focus on one thing at a time.
Just go out there have fun, you
will do just fine.

“The time has come
The Walrus said.
To talk of many things.”

Is it your eye on the ball, or the follow through, or simply the strength of your swing?

The further you hit the ball.
The more you’ll double down.
Outdoors and 9 holes breezy.
Or 18 as in chai.
Plant your feet on the course, hit a putt in just two.
Count blessings you’re out there learning something brand new. Phew!

No “Pulse” Nightclub- Orlando Florida- June 12, 2016

7 years ago today

“That certain night , the night we met, there was magic abroad in the air. There were angels dining at the Ritz- “And a Nightingale Sang in Barclay Square.” Words by Eric Maschwitz, music by Manning Sherwin. The song was written in 1939 in a French fishing village Le Lavandou right before the outbreak of the Second World War. Fast forward— On a steamy week-end eve you get dressed, put on your lipstick, turn off your music and walk out the door. You look forward to debriefing the week with a friend and meeting some new friends. You’re all set to chill in a high energy, safe haven club, on your local Barclay Square- the nightingales were singing. Dry martinis, familiar faces and music you listen to at home and know every word to. A perfect design for a five-star time. One would think. And then the World According to Garp doesn’t happen. No Lin Manuel, THESE senseless acts of tragedy are what is “promised.” Our promised land nearly 70 years after World War Two- on the the doorstep of World War Three. “Praising Isis, Gunman attacks Gay Nightclub, leaving 50 dead in worst shooting on U.S.Soil. Yes, on U.S.soil again and again. We scream in horror, we cry in disbelief as one more lunatic walks into one more gun shop and puts down one more stolen credit card. We then pay dearly for the laws that govern the strongest nation on earth. We pray for the insane and fund them in jail after they take away our freedom of choice, as to which place to dance the night away–that takes our Life away. In concentration camp like fashion we become prisoners of the loose cannon, suicide bombers who live to die. The adage of ” do guns kill people or do people kill people” is center stage again today. One avenue for slaughter is 18 year olds being allowed to buy murder weapons. How long is congress on sabbatical from revising laws on buying over the counter rifles in a store that houses beef jerky too? Dear G-d please look in our direction. We need our backs covered and we are willing to double down for this.

A Penny for your thoughts

A Penny for your thoughts.

Dodging bullets as we are racing through moments in time. Carly Simon said it best.
“All those crazy nights when I cried myself to sleep,
Now melodrama never makes me weep anymore.
Cause I haven’t got time for the pain.
Haven’t got room for the pain.”

As upperclassmen tapping into the adage “older is wiser,” we are more challenged by change of any kind. Change seems to come in 3’s at rapid fire speed.

When we were younger and they discontinued the lipstick color we wore ( Revlon coffee bean) we would just shop for a close match. B. A. ( before Amazon) when walking into stores was done on the daily.

As kids, when our parents yelled up to our room from downstairs to lower the volume as we spun our 45’s and sang out loud to every word of “Johnny Angel,” we wondered what the fuss was. Now we raise the volume so we don’t miss a word. You with me?

With less steadiness and more trepidation as time marches on we find ourselves moving more slowly. Our mantra -We cannot fall.
Getting up from the floor after assisting a grandchild with an art project was never a hold on we can do this activity. In knee jerk fashion we would sprint up. Now we groan as our knee jerks.

Who remembers wearing silk stockings with bold seams down the back? The fashion statement looked best when the seams were straight and balanced on both legs. Now we find merely balancing both legs our challenge.

A few years back we had one physician, once a year, who checked everything. Now we have a rolodex of doctors with notes of follow up appointments to check- well just about everything.

The palette as we know it has changed. It’s part of the deal. We are cool with different, just not accustomed to so many new obstacles.
We learn quickly bemoaning our fate zaps our energy, to be sad, is not to be productive.
We preserve our energy in case we need to walk up a flight of steps to the hearing dept. on the second floor. Oy a Gantseh Megillah.

So for today let’s brush away the flies at our picnic. Chose the players at our proverbial table wisely. If you find a heads up penny pick it up, hope the luck begins and you make it up from retrieving it in one piece. Have a Great Day!

And All The Kings Men.

Jack Smith excavation is your specialty.
Behind the curtain like The Wizard of Oz.
You’re going deep into the “Meadows.”
Closely hitting the Mark.
Your play is on the putt-ing green.
The ball is in your court.
For all those that came before you.

  Kudos to the expert at the sport. 

Researched and well versed.
You’ve gotten us closer to the torch.
The chariot is at the fire.
The line to finish in our sight.
Maybe just maybe you are championing the fight.
Gallop on Rudolf, with Jack Smith at the reins.

The combination of those who came before.

Rolled us into the final lane.
The take is that we can taste it.

Come one, and then come all.
London Bridge has just come down.
Humpty Trumpty took the fall.