How Much More? Timely repost.

“No Hell Below Us, Above Us Only Sky.

Whistleblower Claims women in ICE custody are being Coerced into Hysterectomies. The Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia is being investigated for performing hysterectomies for organ experimentation. Human guinea pigs. They are said to have coerced Spanish speaking prisoners into doing this and not really explaining why it was being done.
Ok, so they basically said get up on the table we are going to remove your dignity, humane rights to make decisions about Your bodies and eradicate your ability to procreate and bear children. These nefarious activities occurred all the while living in a covid-19 riddled and unsafe cell.
As we enter the New Year and light yahrzeit candles for our parents, we sigh a split second of relief as our protective instincts kick in. Thank G-d you were spared this moment in time when all your dreams for us had to be put on hold while we dodge bullets, run from rabid dogs, so to speak running around the streets and anxiously wait for when this demonic despot is no longer holding our health card in his hands. Pray for us mama, we’re scared fierce. L’shana tova tikatevu.

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